The Dallas Markets Vendor Resources Directory
Common Questions & Subjects
Logging in and Passwords
Q. I can't login to see my sales, how do I get help?
A. Email [email protected] and ask for help
Q. Can I leave my password as something simple?
A. Do you really want to leave things to chance that nobody will figure it out and mess up your account?
Barcode Printing
Q. What printer is recommended and do I need to buy one?
A. A printer is available to use free of charge at TDM but we recommend the Dymo 450 and Dymo Turbo 450
Q. What size labels should I buy?
A. Model 30334 is 2.25"x1.25" Model 30347 is my favorite 1"x1.5" Model 30299 is for jewelry
All others are unsupported
What's the fastest and easiest way to add lots of products?
A. Fill out this spreadsheet and then email it to [email protected]
Q. Do I need to complete all the fields?
A. No, everything is optional except Title, Quantity and Price
Q. Do I need to enter the sku or ____?
A. See previous answer above.
Sales and Discounts
Q. How do I run a sale?
A. Step 1 is contact [email protected] and get the Ricochet auto discounts setup for your items. After that is done, you need to put a sign in your booth. It is your responsibility to monitor that the discounts are working properly, we are not charging you for our time to help setup the auto discounts and we won't be liable for any mistakes found after an extended period of time. Below is a view of the options we have when setting up discounts.
Q. I can't login to see my sales, how do I get help?
A. Email [email protected] and ask for help
Q. Can I leave my password as something simple?
A. Do you really want to leave things to chance that nobody will figure it out and mess up your account?
Barcode Printing
Q. What printer is recommended and do I need to buy one?
A. A printer is available to use free of charge at TDM but we recommend the Dymo 450 and Dymo Turbo 450
Q. What size labels should I buy?
A. Model 30334 is 2.25"x1.25" Model 30347 is my favorite 1"x1.5" Model 30299 is for jewelry
All others are unsupported
What's the fastest and easiest way to add lots of products?
A. Fill out this spreadsheet and then email it to [email protected]
Q. Do I need to complete all the fields?
A. No, everything is optional except Title, Quantity and Price
Q. Do I need to enter the sku or ____?
A. See previous answer above.
Sales and Discounts
Q. How do I run a sale?
A. Step 1 is contact [email protected] and get the Ricochet auto discounts setup for your items. After that is done, you need to put a sign in your booth. It is your responsibility to monitor that the discounts are working properly, we are not charging you for our time to help setup the auto discounts and we won't be liable for any mistakes found after an extended period of time. Below is a view of the options we have when setting up discounts.
Deleting Products
Q. How do I delete a product?
A. You don't. You can archive it and you can also restore an archived product.
Important Links
- YouTube Channel -
- YouTube Videos that are public -
- Facebook Business Page - - This is where the company posts and keeps the public informed
- Facebook Public Group Pages - - This is where you can post stuff for sale and advertise classes at TDM
- Facebook Page for TDM Vendors only - - This is where you ask questions that have nothing to do with the public. "I don't think I was paid for ____." "How do I find my sales or payout history"
Calendar Of Events
Live events are available on Facebook here
We will also make a habit of getting our monthly calendar published below
We will also make a habit of getting our monthly calendar published below
Published Calendar
Booth Design
Q. Can I use pegboard?
A. Not if it looks like pegboard. You may have pegboard if it is tastefully covered in wallpaper and doesn't look like pegboard.
Q. Can I build a pergola?
A. Yes, if it is safe. That included a steel bracket tapconned into the concrete floor on each post, we can assist you with that.
A. Not if it looks like pegboard. You may have pegboard if it is tastefully covered in wallpaper and doesn't look like pegboard.
Q. Can I build a pergola?
A. Yes, if it is safe. That included a steel bracket tapconned into the concrete floor on each post, we can assist you with that.
Special Vendor Requirements
You need to bring at least one of the following to TDM
- An amazing personality and a spirit that makes people smile
- A spectacular looking booth
- Awesome sales every month
Helpful Videos
Facebook Event Sharing -